Presidential Eligibility, Part 2
by Joseph DeMaio

What did members of Congress know about Obama's lack of eligibility, and when did they know it?
(May 31, 2011) — [Editor's Note: The essay which follows is a continuation of our previous article,
which disclosed the existence of a second Congressional Research
Service memo produced with the apparent purpose of providing a rationale
to members of Congress for their constituents regarding the eligibility
of Barack Hussein Obama under Article II,
Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution to serve as president and
commander-in-chief. Neither CRS memo was disseminated to the public.
The first was obtained through citizen researchers assisting with the Kerchner v. Obama & Congress, et al lawsuit; the second was obtained through another citizen researcher who provided it directly to The Post & Email.]
Unless otherwise stated, the term “CRS Memo” in this essay refers to the first CRS memo dated April 3, 2009.
Perhaps the best way to explain the
concern is to begin at the end of the CRS Memo, where it announces its
conclusion, and work backward from there to expose the errors (or less
innocuous shortcomings) contributing to the result. In the final
paragraph, the CRS Memo states:
“The constitutional history and relevant
case law thus indicate that one born ‘in the United States,’ and
subject to its jurisdiction, that is, when one’s parents are not
official diplomatic personnel representing a foreign nation in the
U.S., would be considered a U.S. citizen ‘at birth’ or ‘by birth,” and
thus, a ‘natural born Citizen’ of the United States, regardless of the
citizenship status of that individual’s parents.”
Dr. Corsi’s book (at p. 303) quotes this
paragraph from the CRS Memo in a section which the book labels as “The
Push to Eliminate Article 2, Section 1.” Dr. Corsi is correct: the
CRS Memo seems clearly intent upon eliminating any distinction between
the “natural born Citizen” identified in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5
of the Constitution and the “native born citizen” recognized under the
Fourteenth Amendment and the decision in Wong Kim Ark. But
there, unlike in this post, the book’s analysis stops, turning to the
potential under the CRS Memo’s reasoning for a President Arnold
Schwarzenegger. Scary.
So, according to the CRS – again, the
federal agency claiming to be possessed of “the nation’s best thinking”
– as long as a person’s parents are not in the official diplomatic
service of a foreign nation here, anyone born to such parents
on United States soil (or soil over which it exercises jurisdiction)
will qualify as a ‘natural born Citizen’ of the United States and thus
be eligible to be president. This means, of course, that anyone – from
the “garden variety” undocumented pregnant immigrant seeking only
employment here to support a family to any fanatical pregnant terrorist
intent on the destruction of the nation as we know it – who can make
it here and give birth here, can produce an offspring eligible to serve
as president under the “natural born Citizen” clause of the
By semantically confusing and conflating
the concept of a “native born citizen” as contemplated under the
Fourteenth Amendment with that of a “natural born Citizen” as required
for a president under the Constitution itself, the CRS Memo turns the
concept of presidential eligibility on its head and, worse, thereafter
attempts to market it as truth. The two terms may sound similar, but,
as Mark Twain once observed, “it’s the difference between ‘lightning’
and ‘lightning bug.’”
If the CRS Memo is the product of the
nation’s best thinking, we are in far deeper trouble than heretofore
even imagined. In fact, the CRS Memo’s ultimate conclusion cannot be
reached at all upon a closer examination of the mechanisms it utilizes to “drive” and “shoehorn” the result sought.
It first must be kept in mind that the
CRS Memo bases virtually its entire ultimate conclusion on what it
claims is the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Perkins v. Elg, cited above. While
it cites a number of other decisions, those cases are secondary chaff
in light of what the CRS Memo contends is the holding in Elg. In
that case, the issue was whether one Marie Elizabeth Elg – who was
born in the United States to parents who, although originally Swedish
citizens, were at the time of the child’s birth both naturalized U.S. citizens
– could be deprived by the United States of her citizenship by virtue
of her mother’s removal of her to Sweden during her minority. The Court
held that she could not be so deprived.
Despite this fact – i.e., that
both of Marie Elg’s parents were, at the time of her birth, United
States citizens, thus making her a “natural born citizen” consistent
with § 212 of The Law of Nations – the CRS Memo asserts exactly
the opposite and then builds its case for the presidential eligibility
of all “native born citizens,” including (surprise, surprise…), Barack
H. Obama.
The CRS Memo contends (at p. 13) that:
“The Supreme Court in Perkins v. Elg thus found that one born ‘in’ the U.S., even of alien [sic][emphasis in original CRS Memo] parentage, is a U.S. citizen ‘at birth,’ and in dicta [Latin
for “side comment”] in the case indicated that such person is eligible
to be President of the United States. The Court explained that even
if that person’s parents move back to their country of origin with
their child, and obtain citizenship for that child in the foreign
country, such a U.S. citizen ‘at birth’ who returns or intends to
return to the United States by the age of majority remains a ‘natural
born citizen’ of the United States.”
The only problem with this assertion in the CRS Memo is that it is wrong.
First, the CRS claim that the Court in Elg was addressing a fact situation involving a child born in the United States of alien
parents is flat wrong. Both of Marie Elg’s parents were naturalized
U.S. citizens at the time of her birth, a fact confirmed through an
examination of the U.S. Court of Appeals prior decision in the case (Perkins v. Elg, 99 F.2d 408, 409 (App. D.C. 1938)) and later reiterated and confirmed in Thomasicchio v. Acheson, 98 F. Supp. 166, 170 (D.C.D.C. 1951).
Stated otherwise, even under the principles set out in § 212 of The Law of Nations, Marie Elg would have qualified as a “natural born citizen.” Thus, to reiterate, the CRS contention that the Supreme Court in Elg was
examining a fact situation involving a child born of “alien” parents
is demonstrably and manifestly in error. Whether the error is
“innocent,” of course, is quite another question.
Second, the source of the CRS Memo’s apparent “confusion” is seemingly traced to the Supreme Court’s prior decision in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1897). The majority opinion in that case – yes, unlike the unanimous decision in Perkins v. Elg, the Ark decision
was a 6-2 split (one Justice did not participate) with a strong
dissent – did, in fact, hold that one born within the boundaries and
jurisdiction of the United States is a U.S. citizen at birth, regardless
of the citizenship status of the parents. The dissent, of course,
disagreed, but until the current or some future Supreme Court decision
overrules the Ark majority opinion, it stands as the law. The
decision, of course, is part of the genesis of the “anchor baby”
illegal immigration debate.
But the Wong Kim Ark decision
has nothing to do with presidential eligibility under the “natural born
Citizen” clause of the Constitution. Unlike Marie Elg, who, as
stated, was a “natural born citizen,” the Court held only that Wong Kim
Ark was a “native born citizen.” And this is where the CRS Memo
strays far from the facts.
Again, hearkening back to its
“Background/Summary” portion at p. 4 of the Memo document, the CRS Memo,
after referencing (by footnote) the Ark decision’s holding
that all persons born “in” the United States and subject to its
jurisdiction are citizens of the United States “at birth,” states:
“… all persons born ‘in’ the United
States and subject to its jurisdiction are citizens of the United
States ‘at birth.’ As such, any person physically born ‘in’ the United
States, regardless of the citizenship status of one’s parents (unless
such parents are foreign diplomatic personnel not subject
to the jurisdiction of the United States) would appear to be a
‘natural born’ citizen eligible to be President of the United States
[fn. 25]” (Emphasis in original)
A more spectacular non sequitur would
be difficult to construct. The full text of footnote 25 of the CRS
Memo (one should always read the footnotes carefully, as they
frequently leave traces of how one is trying to cover one’s tracks…),
reads as follows:
“25. See specifically Perkins v. Elg, supra
at 329-330, where the Supreme Court explains that ‘a child born here
of alien parentage becomes a citizen of the United States’ even if she
or he is removed to a foreign country by a parent and made a citizen
there. The Court favorably cites a decision of the Attorney General
that such a person is “a native-born American citizen. There is no law
of the United States under which his father or any other person can
deprive him of his birthright. He can return to America at the age of
twenty-one, and in due time, if the people elect, he can become
President of the United States … [even though] the father, in accordance
with the treaty and the laws, has renounced his American citizenship
and his American allegiance and has acquired for himself and his son
German citizenship and the rights which it carries….”
First, there are two “quotes within the
quotes” in the footnote. The first one – in the initial sentence of
the footnote and signaled through enclosure by single quotation marks –
is a summation by the Court in Elg of its prior decision in Wong Kim Ark. That case, as noted here previously, involved a native born citizen only (Wong Kim Ark) and not a natural born citizen (Marie Elg). Yet the CRS Memo totally disregards that manifest distinction and suggests that it is the Court in Elg announcing a new principle of law as to Marie Elg rather than what it was actually doing, i.e., merely summarizing the principle from its prior case as to Wong Kim Ark.
Second, the next quote – signaled by
double quotation marks – is a quote from an 1875 Attorney General
“letter of advice” rendered by then-U.S. Attorney General Edwards
Pierrepont to then-Secretary of State Hamilton Fish. See Perkins v. Elg,
307 U.S. at 330. Although indexed as “15 Op.Atty.Gen. 15,” contrary
to the CRS Memo’s characterization of the “letter of advice” as a
“decision” such as might come from a court of law and have value as
precedent, the letter of advice is just that: one lawyer’s opinion as
to what the answer to a legal question might be.
It is far from binding precedent and any
suggestion that it is a “decision” equivalent to an appellate court
case opinion or decision is off the mark. Stated otherwise, it is akin
to a response by, say, a research agency of the Library of Congress to
a congressman who has asked, in the hypothetical: “What should I tell
my constituents about Obama’s eligibility?” To the extent that the
Supreme Court in Elg thought it necessary to cite to the
letter from Pierrepont to Fish, at least the Court accurately quoted
the letter in its decision. The CRS Memo does not.
Here is the actual language of a portion of the full quote from Pierrepont’s letter cited in the Elg decision (307 U.S. at 330), which in turn the CRS Memo cites in support of its conclusions in fn. 25 of the memo:
“’Young Steinkauler is a native-born
American citizen. There is no law of the United States under which his
father or any other person can deprive him of his birthright. He can
return to America at the age of twenty-one, and in due time, if the
people elect, he can become President of the United States; but the
father, in accordance with the treaty and the laws, has renounced his
American citizenship and his American allegiance and has acquired for
himself and his son German citizenship and the rights which it
The rest of the quote, omitted by the CRS Memo from its footnote 25, follows:
“… and he must take the burdens as well
as the advantages. The son being domiciled with the father and subject
to him under the law during his minority, and receiving the German
protection where he has acquired nationality and declining to give any
assurance of ever returning to the United States and claiming his
American nationality by residence here, I am of the opinion that he
cannot rightly invoke the aid of the Government of the United States to
relieve him from military duty in Germany during his minority. But I
am of opinion that when he reaches the age of twenty-one years he can
then elect whether he will return and take the nationality of his birth
with its duties and privileges, or retain the nationality acquired by
the act of his father. This seems to me to be ‘right reason,’ and I
think it is law.”
However, what the Supreme Court actually said in the Elg case (Elg, 307 U.S. at 330) – again addressing the Pierrepont letter, but, critically, not purporting to quote from it – is this:
“This principle [i.e., that a
native-born child taken by his/her parents to their country of origin
will not lose U.S. citizenship if on attaining majority returns here
and reclaims it] was clearly stated by Attorney General Edwards
Pierrepont in his letter of advice to the Secretary of State Hamilton
Fish, in Steinkauler’s Case, 1875, 15 Op.Atty.Gen. 15. The facts were
these: One Steinkauler, a Prussian subject by birth, emigrated [sic] to the United States in 1848, was naturalized in 1854,
and in the following year had a son who was born in St. Louis. Four
years later Steinkauler returned to Germany taking this child and became
domiciled at Weisbaden where they continuously resided. When the son
reached the age of twenty years the German Government called upon him to
report for military duty and his father then invoked the intervention
of the American Legation on the ground that his son was a native
citizen of the United States. To an inquiry by our Minister, the father
declined to give an assurance that the son would return to this
country within a reasonable time. On reviewing the pertinent points in
the case, including the Naturalization Treaty of 1868 with North
Germany, 15 Stat. 615, the Attorney General reached the following
conclusion:…” (Bold and underlining emphasis added)
At this point in the Elg opinion, the Court sets forth the full quote from Pierrepont’s letter previously referenced here, i.e. beginning with “Young Steinkauler….” The CRS Memo, however, claims that the Court in Elg said something quite different.
The following is a verbatim replication
of the CRS Memo language beginning at the bottom of p. 13 and
continuing over to p. 14 of the memo, and note the ellipsis deletion of
the punctuation and words “…, was naturalized in 1854,…” and the ellipsis omission of the entire ensuing two sentences from Pierrepont’s letter:
“One Steinkauler, a Prussian subject by birth, emigrated to the United States in 1848 …
and in the following year had a son who was born in St. Louis. Four
years later Steinkauler returned to Germany taking this child and became
domiciled at Weisbaden where they continuously resided. …” On
reviewing the pertinent points in the case, including the
Naturalization Treaty of 1868 with North Germany, 15 Stat. 615, the
Attorney General reached the following conclusion:…” (Ellipsis
And what, you may ask, is the
significance of the CRS Memo omission of the words “… was naturalized
in 1854…?” Simple: because the younger Steinkauler’s father was
naturalized in 1854, and the son was born “…
in the following year…,” it means that in Pierrepont’s original letter,
quoted accurately by the Court in Elg, the son was born in 1855, after his
father became a naturalized citizen the year before, in 1854. By
omitting the language in question through ellipsis, the CRS Memo leaves
the impression – whether intentionally or not will be a matter for
others to decide – that the Supreme Court, rather than Pierrepont or the
CRS Memo author, was stating that the son was born in 1848, at a point in time before his father was naturalized, which is contrary to the fact.
The legal significance is this: the
younger Steinkauler, born in 1855, one year after his father had been
naturalized, in addition to being a “native born citizen” – recalling
that all natural born citizens are also native born citizens, but not
all native born citizens are natural born citizens – was also a natural
born citizen, consistent with the observations in Rusk and the principles articulated in § 212 of The Law of Nations. The son was not, as
apparently believed by Attorney General Pierrepont, solely a
“native-born American citizen,” but was instead additionally a “natural
born citizen” who would have been, all other requirements being met,
eligible for the presidency.
On the other hand, to the extent that
Attorney General Pierrepont knew that Steinkauler the younger was in
addition to being a “native born citizen” also a “natural born
citizen,” it would have helped had he emphasized that fact. But since
Pierrepont also knew that the son, being born in the year after his
father had become a naturalized citizen, and thus, was himself a
natural born citizen, he most likely felt it unnecessary to reiterate
the obvious point as being redundant.
However, the CRS Memo erroneously seeks
to alter the language of the Supreme Court’s actual verbiage describing
Attorney General Pierrepont’s “letter of advice” in order to portray
the son’s status as being only that of a “native-born citizen,” but nonetheless
eligible to the presidency upon that ground. In fact, the son’s
automatic status as a “natural born citizen,” he being born after his
father was naturalized, would have accomplished that anyway. Stated
otherwise, to the extent that the CRS Memo seeks to rely “specifically”
on the decision in Elg to support its manufactured conclusion, the only way it can do so is by omitting from the language of Elg the facts which would confirm Steinkauler the younger’s status as a natural born citizen.
If there is a rational explanation for
this conscious omission, CRS should disclose it and publicly correct
it, because if the unexplained and apparent impropriety of the omission
is confirmed, it would elevate intellectual dishonesty to a new level.
From a grammatical standpoint, an
ellipsis is a “signal” to a reader that words, phrases and sometimes
even entire sentences have been deliberately deleted from a quote. The
ellipsis grammatical device is frequently used to excise verbiage from
quotes. It is defined in the online Webster’s “English Learner’s
Dictionary” as “(1) the act of leaving out one or more words that are
not necessary for a phrase to be understood, or (2) a sign (such as …)
used in printed text to show that words have been left out.” ( Where redundant, superfluous or immaterial words are thus omitted, there is “no harm, no foul.”
On the other hand, when clearly relevant
or material words are deliberately deleted and omitted from a quote
and the effect is to alter – sometimes radically – the meaning of the
remaining quote not excised, the omission is anything but “no harm, no
Here, the effect is to leave the reader –
and perhaps 535 members of Congress, if each member received the CRS
Memo – under the erroneous impression that the Supreme Court held in Elg that
a “native born citizen” is the same as a “natural born citizen” for
presidential eligibility purposes. The two are not the same, and the
suggestion that the Supreme Court held otherwise in Elg is, at
minimum, disingenuous. Word to the wise, especially when dealing with
federal documents: whenever an ellipsis is spotted within a quote from
elsewhere, be suspicious and examine the original.
In other words, the CRS Memo seems –
whether carelessly or by design – to have seized upon, at minimum, the
incomplete and perhaps even erroneous characterization used by Attorney
General Pierrepont to describe the elder Steinkauler’s son as a
“native born American citizen,” thereby camouflaging the reality of his
status as a natural born citizen through the ellipsis omission
discussed, and then conflating the concept through (misplaced) reliance
on the decision in Elg to generate its equally erroneous
conclusion. That defective conclusion, of course, is that Supreme
Court case law establishes – in the words of the author of the CRS
Memo, not Justice Hughes in Elg – that:
“… one born ‘in the United States,’ and
subject to its jurisdiction, that is, when one’s parents are not
official diplomatic personnel representing a foreign nation in the
U.S., would be considered a U.S. citizen ‘at birth’ or ‘by birth,” and
thus, a ‘natural born Citizen’ of the United States, regardless of the
citizenship status of that individual’s parents.”
Again, while there is little doubt that
such a person would correctly be deemed to be a native born citizen
under existing case law, those cases do not establish
that such a person would “… thus [be] a ‘natural born Citizen’ of the
United States, regardless of the citizenship status of that
individual’s parents.” On the contrary, the actual opinions – not to
be confused with the CRS Memo’s “paraphrasing” of the opinions –
plainly establish that “… only the ‘natural born’ citizen is eligible to be President.” (Emphasis added) Schneider v. Rusk, supra.
Finally, and somewhat ironically, when
one examines the full text of Attorney General Pierrepont’s letter (15
Op.Atty.Gen. 15, at 18-19), one finds that Mr. Pierrepont notes that he
is “gratified” to find support in his conclusions in the work “Nationality” by the Lord Chief Justice of England, quoting, in part, § 212 of the work as follows:
“As regards the children, those born after the naturalization should of course follow the nationality of the father.
Of those born before, a distinction should be made between those who
accompany the father to the new country and those who do not. The
latter should retain their nationality of origin. As regards the
former, a distinction is again to be made between those who have
attained their majority and those who have not. Those who are still
minors, and who as such are still subject to the authority of the
father and form part of his family, must be taken, at all events for the
time, to follow his nationality; and as it may fairly be presumed
that they will in the future remain in the new country and desire to
become its citizens, they should be deemed to be such in the absence of
any declaration to the contrary. But, inasmuch as by their birth they
have acquired a right to the nationality of the country of birth, it
ought not be in the power of the parent to deprive them of it, if, on
arriving at full age, they [*19] desire to retain it, and a reasonable
time should be allowed them to reject the nationality acquired by the
father, and to claim that of the former country, without being subjected
to the necessity of becoming naturalized in it.” (Emphasis added)
This quote from Pierrepont’s letter
articulates two important facts. First, the conclusion is entirely
consistent with another “§ 212,” i.e., § 212 of de Vattel’s The Law of Nations, noting that it is the citizenship status of both parents – but in particular
that of the father – that determines who is, and more importantly, who
is not, properly defined to be a “natural born citizen” as contrasted
with a “native born citizen.”
Second, and of particular relevance to
the situation of the current putative president, is the fact of his
removal by his mother and stepfather – one Lolo Soetoro – to Indonesia
while he was still a minor. Exploration of that issue is beyond the
scope of this memo, so its analysis will be left to another time.
While Steinkauler the younger, as a
natural born citizen, would not need to become “naturalized” under the
Lord Chief Justice of England’s opinion, if one’s father was never
a U.S. citizen, even under the views of Attorney General Pierrepont
and the Lord Chief Justice of England, that person could also never be a
natural born citizen.
While there is no certain way of
determining whether Attorney General Pierrepont’s use of the term
“native born citizen” was intended, sub silentio, to also
encompass Steinkauler the younger as a “natural born citizen,” the
facts of the case as related by the Attorney General and accurately
repeated by the Supreme Court in Elg – as opposed to the same
facts as “modified” by the author of the CRS Memo – plainly establish
that Steinkauler the younger was a natural born citizen. To reiterate:
while all natural born citizens are also native born citizens, not all
native born citizens are natural born citizens.
The CRS Memo’s portrayal of Steinkauler
the younger being “only” a native born citizen – and conscripting the
U.S. Supreme Court opinion in Elg, altered by ellipsis, into
the cause of purportedly supporting the conclusion that he would
“thus,” nonetheless, be eligible to become president without regard to
his actual natural born status – is, at best, misleading. At worst,
it is something quite different and more ominous.
The next event (at least as thus far
discovered) in the unfolding saga of Mr. Obama’s purported
constitutional eligibility occurred on June 5, 2009, some two months
following the issuance of Mr. Maskell’s April 3, 2009 CRS Memo
above-discussed. That event took the form of a CRS “Transmittal”
document to Rep. Brian P. Bilbray (R-Cal.) authored by one Jerry W.
Mansfield, Information Research Specialist, CRS Knowledge Services
Group, and entitled “Qualifications of Barack Obama to Be President of
the United States.”
“… several articles that address
concerns about the birth certificate of President Obama, his place of
birth, and how questions surrounding it were ultimately resolved. Also
included are a lengthy piece prepared by the Annenberg Public Policy
Center of the University of Pennsylvania, [] and an article that points out that the Internet includes falsehoods and they can live forever.
“We hope you find this information helpful. Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.”
Taking the points in reverse order, Mr.
Mansfield’s statement that, on the Internet “falsehoods… can live
forever,” is most ironic. Given that the comment is being interposed
in the context of a mind-set extolling as forever unassailable the only species of evidence thus far “revealed” to the general public regarding Mr. Obama’s claimed eligibility, i.e., two Internet images – repeat, images –
of documents purporting to be “genuine” documentation of Mr. Obama’s
birth data, rather than the “best evidence” of same, to wit, the
original documents themselves, the term “hypocritical” rather than
merely “ironic” might better describe the situation.
Second, the notion that, somehow, the fact that an Internet-based website (
is funded by the Annenberg Public Policy Center should lend
credibility to the assertions made in the website post is nonsense. It
is a well-known fact that the Annenberg Public Policy Center has a
long record of being a strong political and financial supporter of Mr.
Obama. As noted here (,
in 1995, the organization financed Mr. Obama when he served as the
Chairman of the “Chicago Annenberg Challenge.” According to the author
of the post – oddly enough, one Dr. Jerome Corsi – the Chicago
Annenberg Challenge made a $482,000+ grant to a workshop project headed
by one Mike Klonsky, a former top communist activist who is an
associate of former Weather Underground terrorist leader William Ayers,
also rumored to be an “acquaintance” of Mr. Obama.
Those facts aside, the Bilbray
Transmittal document also recklessly asserts that the Internet-based
articles being supplied – again, under the auspices of the repository
of “the nation’s best thinking” – address questions surrounding Mr.
Obama’s eligibility and reveal how, in Mr. Mansfield’s words, those
questions “…were ultimately resolved.” With due respect, the only
place where such questions have been “ultimately resolved” is somewhere
in the deep recesses of the minds (or imaginations) of Messrs. Maskell
and Mansfield.
Which brings us to the final point
regarding the Bilbray Transmittal. In light of the fact that, a mere
63 days earlier, the CRS had issued its original CRS Memo – in response
to virtually the identical inquiry posed from “congressional
offices” – two legitimate questions arise. First, why did not Mr.
Mansfield simply remind Congressman Bilbray of the original CRS Memo
and enquire whether he had received a copy? Second, why did Mr.
Mansfield not make reference to the Maskell CRS Memo of April 3, 2009
in his Transmittal?
For a federal agency claiming to have
been “… a valued and respected resource on Capitol Hill for nearly a
century…,” these facts plainly seem to undercut that contention.
Indeed, a cynic might be tempted to jump to the conclusion that,
instead of maintaining its reputation for being objective and
nonpartisan, it is on this issue being converted into an advocacy arm
for a particular political viewpoint.
If, as the CRS claims on its website,
its “… highest priority is to ensure that Congress has 24/7 access to
the nation’s best thinking…,” and that its work is “… authoritative,
objective and non-partisan…,” an argument can be made that the agency
should begin acting more like an independent resource and acting less
like an appendage of a political party or a Washington, D.C. “K” Street
lobbying firm.
And if that were the end of the saga, it would be one thing. Sadly, however, it is not the end.
Editor’s Note: Please
watch for Part 3 of this series in the near future, which will conclude
Mr. DeMaio’s analysis of the CRS Memos as they pertain to presidential
eligibility requirements.
@ 169 US 652, Wong Kim Ark (WKA) was born and reared in one
permanent residence in California, “and never lost nor changed that
Obama lost his US residence in Hawaii and had it changed to
Indonesia. Ann Dunham Soetoro’s August 13, 1968 US passport application /
emendation swears to this.
@ 169 US 652 – 653 “neither he nor his parents acting for him ever
renounced his allegiance to the United States, or did or committed any
act or thing to exclude him therefrom.”
The mother signed under oath on the back page of Form FS-299 of 7-64.
Following the instructions:
“I have not (and no other person included or to be included in the
passport or documentation has), since acquiring United States
citizenship, been naturalized as a citizen of a foreign state, taken an
oath or made an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to
a foreign state… made a formal renunciation of nationality either in
the United States or before a diplomatic or consular officer of the
United States in a foreign state; ever sought or claimed the benefits of
the nationality of any foreign state….
{If any of the above-mentioned acts or conditions have been performed
by or apply to the applicant, or to any other person included in the
passport or documentation, the portion of which applies should be struck
out , and a supplementary explanatory statement under oath (or
affirmation) by the person to whom the portion is applicable should be
attached and made a part of this application.}
Ann Dunham wrote Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah) and struck his name
out to indicate that he was legally to no longer be a United States
Citizen, and the document stood to apply all relevant passages that
could apply to a 7 year old who lost US Citizenship by naturalization to
Indonesia,( a NON-CONVENTION nation per the US Dept. of State), doing
so with a renunciation of his allegiance and renunciation of his
citizenship by both he and his mother and his step-father for him.
@ 169 US 654,653, 704-705 the Court specified that 14th Amendment
Section 1′s “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” meant that he had to
permanently have a US Residence and domicile to the age of 21. No
permanent US Residence every year of his life to age 21, no 14th
Amendment qualification. His mama’s August 13, 1968 form FS-299 of 7-64
denounces Obama as having no US Citizenship, No US Residence, and No
Allegiance in 1968. Thus, it is impossible to use WKA, 169 US 649 (1898)
to label Obama anything other than ILLEGAL to the US Presidency.