Are you a “BIRTHER” or a “MARK”.

In the old neighborhood we would get a empty Sony TV box, glue cement blocks or bricks in it, reseal it and sell it on the street for $100.00 with the story that it was a $600.00 Sony TV that fell off a FedEx truck. Anyone that bought it without opening it was labeled a “Mark” A Bernie Madoff client, a Schmuck.

The ones that wanted to see what’s in the box before they bought it, today would be labeled a “Birther”

Are you a “BIRTHER” or a “MARK”. Do you believe Obama was born in Kapi’olani hospital? If you do I have a bridge I would like to sell you. It goes from Brooklyn to Manhattan, ready for a toll booth to be installed.

A “Mark” BELIEVED BILL CLINTON WHEN HE SAID: “I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT WOMAN” Then they found the stained dress. He lied and they became a “Birther”.

A “Mark” BELIEVED JOHN EDWARDS WHEN HE SAID: “THAT’S NOT MY BABY” Then the Enquirer exposed him. He lied and they became a “Birther”.

A “Mark” BELIEVED WILLIAM “FREEZER” JEFFERSON WHEN HE SAID: “I DON’T KNOW HOW THAT CASH GOT IN MY FREEZER” Then they threw him in the slammer and they knew he lied and they became a “Birther”.

A “Mark” BELIEVED LINDA LINGEL WHEN SHE SAID: "So I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi'olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that's just a fact and yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue and I think it's again a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this."
Then they learned she lied, Fukino's statement never identified Kapiolani as Obama's birthplace and they became a “Birther”.

Fukino said, "[I have]...personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record...,"

Beyond the lie, if Lingle disclosed Obama's birth hospital without his permission, she has committed a misdemeanor. If Obama gave permission for this public disclosure, then Hawaii no longer has a basis for maintaining the privacy of Obama's birth records.

Welcome to the new members of the growing army of “BIRTHERS”

Chris Mathews, Rush Limbaugh, Hawaii Governor Abercrombie Senator Will Espero and Hawaii Legislators; Rida Cabanilla, Jerry Chang, Joey Manahan, John Mizuno and Calvin Say to name a few.

Proud to be a “Birther”

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Abercrombie Admits Failure Proving Obama’s Birth Certificate Exists Veteran reporter Mike Evans has described in a radio interview how Hawaii Governor and close friend Neil Abercrombie was shocked at his failure to discover Obama’s birth certificate. Even after leveraging all his power to search hospital records. Nothing exists! An outcome that could seriously impact President Obama’s re-election campaign. Evans’ revelations contradict official claims that Abercrombie abandoned his search for birth records relating to Obama because of privacy laws that bar him from disclosing an individual’s birth documentation without the person’s consent. The birth certificate issue has rocketed back into the public limelight in recent weeks as a result of World Net Daily and specifically New York Times best selling author Jerome Corsi’s continuing investigation into the controversy, reports that have been afforded ample coverage by the hugely popular Drudge Report website. On Monday, Corsi reported how, “Former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams has now signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.”

Hawaii Gov Neil Abercrombie: No Obama Birth Records in Hawaii: Mike Evans Interview

Mike Evans, a reporter, says he is a decades-old friend (buddies) of new Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie (D-HA). He says Abercrombie was a friend of Barack Obama’s father (not his grandfather) – but Obama’s Kenyan father. Elsewhere, I see that Abercrombie says he was also friends with Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro. Abercrombie knew “Barry” Obama as a young boy, but Evans said when he asked Abercrombie what his earliest memory of little Barry was, the memories began with a youth T-ball league – about 5 or 6 years old. Abercrombie says he has no memories of little Barry before that time. The Kenyan father was long-gone by then.

 The bottom line: Abercrombie told Evans there is no Obama birth certificate anywhere in the state of Hawaii.”Absolutely no proof at all that he was born in Hawaii. Gov. Neil Abercrombie and Mike Evans In the audio, there is conversation about how this could happen. How, assuming there is no real record of Hawaiian birth, how can the man run for president. I’ll answer that for him: Nancy Pelosi, as Speaker of the House of Representatives certified him. There are numerous reports that the certification she sent to all states except Hawaii, are different from that she sent to the state of Hawaii – and that the Democrat party in Hawaii refused to certify Obama’s birth.

 From CanadaFreePress: When I first became aware that the Democratic National Committee prepared, signed and notarized two slightly different Certification of Nomination documents for the Obama-Biden ticket in the 2008 election, I was shocked and after verifying both documents as real, I wrote about it in The Theory is Now a Conspiracy and Facts Don’t Lie released on September 10, 2009. The question was obvious – Why TWO different DNC Obama certification documents, and why did one have proper certification of constitutional eligibility in it, while the other had that certification deleted? The Obama camp had been using the defense that the DNC had properly vetted and certified Obama’s eligibility for months. Judge after judge had used that claim and the fact that Obama’s COLB (Certification of Live Birth) had been “Snoped – FactChecked – blogged and twittered” as “legal proof” that Obama was eligible for office, despite the very real fact that Obama has never released any authenticated proof on the subject… On September 15, I released a follow up report, The Theory is Now a Conspiracy—II in which I was able to provide answers to many of the questions swirling around the two DNC docs. Both docs were real and both docs had been filed with Election Commission offices Only the doc filed in Hawaii certified Obama as constitutionally eligible Nancy Pelosi did in fact sign both documents, indicating awareness Both documents had been used before by the DNC, in 2000 and 2004 Different states have different state statutes on the matter But the Constitution is clear, and the DNC ignored it After the video, please read the CanadaFreePress article. 

It is comprehensive and I can’t imagine that this reporter lied about his research. Back to this new information, if Evans is right, and if Abercrombie is right, this means that former Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle lied about his birth certificate, and the state medical official that Lingle sent to verify Obama’s legal birth in the state, also lied. Barry Soetoro and Family Mike Evans is a “Hollywood reporter.” This blog, the Birther Report, says Evans claims this latest info from Abercrombie happened on January 19, 2011. Evans of Mike Evans Radio On this same subject, Hillbuzz has some information that makes the argument (from sources on the ground) that Obama was born in Hawaii, but changed his name to Barry Soetoro after his mother married Lolo Soetoro. The theory is that Barry Soetoro never changed his name back to “Obama.” This is a long-held idea, including that “Barry” attended Columbia University as a “foreigner,” with proof of foreign birth, and received financial aid as a foreigner. Read Hillbuzz’ latest. 

In this video, you have to listen to some “Hollywood” stuff before you get to the real issue of Obama’s birth certificate. I don’t know how this will turn out, but I applaud all of the bloggers who have refused to be silenced about this issue of natural-born status. For all of the rude criticisms they have endured, the-so-called “Birthers” have done the job that our Congress should have done, along with the mainstream media.Abercrombie Admits Failure Proving Obama’s Birth Certificate Exists Veteran reporter Mike Evans has described in a radio interview how Hawaii Governor and close friend Neil Abercrombie was shocked at his failure to discover Obama’s birth certificate. Even after leveraging all his power to search hospital records. Nothing exists! 

 An outcome that could seriously impact President Obama’s re-election campaign. Evans’ revelations contradict official claims that Abercrombie abandoned his search for birth records relating to Obama because of privacy laws that bar him from disclosing an individual’s birth documentation without the person’s consent. The birth certificate issue has rocketed back into the public limelight in recent weeks as a result of World Net Daily and specifically New York Times best selling author Jerome Corsi’s continuing investigation into the controversy, reports that have been afforded ample coverage by the hugely popular Drudge Report website. On Monday, Corsi reported how, “Former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams has now signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.”

 0n a radio interview with KQRS-FM, reporter Mike Evans explained how he had been a close friend of Abercrombie’s for decades since he first met him when Abercrombie was a taxi driver in Honolulu. Evans said that the Governor would often talk about how he was a friend of Barack Obama’s Kenyan father and how he remembered Barack Obama as a little kid in Hawaii whom he referred to as “Barry”. Evans said he spoke to Abercrombie’s office who told him that Abercrombie had used his power as Governor to search records from all the hospitals where babies were being delivered at the time of Obama’s birth and that, “There is no Barack Obama birth certificate in Hawaii – absolutely no proof at all that he was born in Hawaii,” said Evans, pointing out that Abercrombie purposefully conducted the investigation to try and quash claims that Obama was not born in the United States. “Now he admits publicly that there is no birth certificate,” said Evans of Abercrombie. 

 Evans said that he asked Abercrombie what his first memory was of Barack Obama as a child and that Abercrombie told him he recalled seeing Obama playing in the T-Ball league when he was 5 or 6 years old. “What about before that,” asked Evans, to which Abercrombie responded, ” I don’t really remember much before that,” a retort described by Evans as “very odd”. Evans said that Abercrombie was shocked when he failed to find the birth certificate, having steadfastly believed that Obama was born and raised in Hawaii. 

 The fact that the birther issue is again starting to snowball could prove disastrous for Obama’s re-election campaign, especially given the fact that Arizona state Rep. Judy Burges has introduced a well-supported bill that will require presidential candidates to prove their eligibility before being able to occupy the White House. Similar legislation is also being introduced in Montana, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Texas. Article 2, Section 1 of the US Constitution states, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.”

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