Are you a “BIRTHER” or a “MARK”.

In the old neighborhood we would get a empty Sony TV box, glue cement blocks or bricks in it, reseal it and sell it on the street for $100.00 with the story that it was a $600.00 Sony TV that fell off a FedEx truck. Anyone that bought it without opening it was labeled a “Mark” A Bernie Madoff client, a Schmuck.

The ones that wanted to see what’s in the box before they bought it, today would be labeled a “Birther”

Are you a “BIRTHER” or a “MARK”. Do you believe Obama was born in Kapi’olani hospital? If you do I have a bridge I would like to sell you. It goes from Brooklyn to Manhattan, ready for a toll booth to be installed.

A “Mark” BELIEVED BILL CLINTON WHEN HE SAID: “I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT WOMAN” Then they found the stained dress. He lied and they became a “Birther”.

A “Mark” BELIEVED JOHN EDWARDS WHEN HE SAID: “THAT’S NOT MY BABY” Then the Enquirer exposed him. He lied and they became a “Birther”.

A “Mark” BELIEVED WILLIAM “FREEZER” JEFFERSON WHEN HE SAID: “I DON’T KNOW HOW THAT CASH GOT IN MY FREEZER” Then they threw him in the slammer and they knew he lied and they became a “Birther”.

A “Mark” BELIEVED LINDA LINGEL WHEN SHE SAID: "So I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi'olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that's just a fact and yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue and I think it's again a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this."
Then they learned she lied, Fukino's statement never identified Kapiolani as Obama's birthplace and they became a “Birther”.

Fukino said, "[I have]...personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record...,"

Beyond the lie, if Lingle disclosed Obama's birth hospital without his permission, she has committed a misdemeanor. If Obama gave permission for this public disclosure, then Hawaii no longer has a basis for maintaining the privacy of Obama's birth records.

Welcome to the new members of the growing army of “BIRTHERS”

Chris Mathews, Rush Limbaugh, Hawaii Governor Abercrombie Senator Will Espero and Hawaii Legislators; Rida Cabanilla, Jerry Chang, Joey Manahan, John Mizuno and Calvin Say to name a few.

Proud to be a “Birther”

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Barack Obama is an American citizen! Maybe?

Barack Obama is an American citizen! Enough already with the kooky birthers and their insane charges leveled against President Obama.
Perhaps they would be happy if the state of Hawaii could produce pictures or video showing Obama as he came out of the womb with the placenta attached and Don Ho in the background playing Hawaiian music on his ukulele.
We have three wars going, a fragile economy, nuclear disaster in Japan and air traffic controllers taking siestas placing us all in danger. Come on people, we have much bigger fish to fry. Given the hand Barack Obama was dealt, he is doing an admirable job, all things considered.
The birthers, and now Donald Trump are calling to see Mr. Obama’s birth certificate. This is a tired side-show that is a distraction from our real problems. President Obama was thoroughly vetted, he has shown his birth certificate; end of story! The birthers antics just may help get Mr. Obama re-elected. The sane among us will grow evermore tired of the birther shenanigans and re-elect Mr. Obama in a landslide. I can hear the birthers screaming now!
It’s amazing how are standards for president change depending on who you’re talking about. During Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's (CA) first term when he was the darling of California and national politics, there was talk of how could the U.S. constitution be amended so that Mr. Schwarzenegger could run for president, since he was born in Austria and not in the U.S.! I wonder if they (birthers) would have considered an amendment to the constitution if his name had been, Arnulfo Sanchez? I don't think so!
Actually the right-wing of the GOP have actually considered amending the 14th amendment of the constitution so they can deport American-born children of undocumented immigrants; namely Latino immigrants. Doing so would be nothing more than a xenophobic, racist knee-jerk reaction to America getting a little more “brown” than they (GOP and birthers) can handle.
Mr. Obama, the son of an immigrant is sensitive to the plight of Latino immigrants. This may be part and parcel why the right-wing (and birthers) of the Republican party are coming down so hard on Mr. Obama. This fact, endears him (Obama) to the Latino electorate and they (GOP and birthers) know it.
Mr. Obama has always attempted to reach across the aisle and work with the other side. All too often, he just seems to get his hand slapped. President Obama has done everything possible to work with Republicans, short of using bleach! This writer can’t understand all the rancor when it comes to Mr. Obama. He and the democrats do what they do best in negotiations with the GOP - FOLD! The GOP draws the line in the sand and the Democrats don’t dare cross it; Give me a break. The Democrats and President Obama have become such accomodationists when it comes to the will of the Republicans. So who is really winning and what are the birthers and tea party griping about?
Michele Bachman, the chair of the Tea Party caucus in the house is definitely pushing the birther agenda. Instead of smoke-screening more pertinent and relevant issues, they should try and work closer with Mr. Obama. It doesn’t appear that is going to happen anytime soon. Now that the 2012 campaign is starting to take flight, there will be more demagoguery and fear-mongering than you can shake a stick at. Trust me, the Republicans are experts at this. They will play on white Americas fears of a Negro/Latino nation and scare the hell out of middle America and the suburbs. The birthers will be there throwing gasoline on the fire to create even more dissension.
Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “We will stand together as brothers or perish together as fools.” His words ring just as true today as they did when he first spoke them. The world has grown smaller and more dangerous. We are not the dominant power we once were. We’re going to have to learn to play nice and share the globes resources with other nations. They are no longer there for the taking or for our convenience. America, wake up before it’s too late!
Curtis Curran
I see that one of the other individuals who commented on the author's piece has termed the debate over Obama's country of origin a "useless issue." If Obama is, in fact, not a U.S. citizen, it means that he defrauded the American people. If he is not a U.S. citizen, then, logically, he was never eligible to run for president in the first place. If he is proven NOT to be a U.S. citizen, a natural corollary would be that he is NOT our president (we would be without a president in such a case), and every piece of legislation he has signed, every act he has ever performed as president, would become null and void.

I will tell you what scares the author of this blog and other liberals: they are afraid, deep down in their souls (so deep that they themselves may not even be aware of it), that Obama IS a fraud. That's why they seek to silence the "birthers," and why they're spending so much energy ridiculing the birthers, who, after all, are only seeking the truth. Since when is the seeking of TRUTH such a bad thing?

Deep down, most liberals are AFRAID that Obama really IS a fraud. If they didn't, they would not be spending so much energy trying to discredit the birthers.

It is not surprising that many people would not be the slightest bit bothered even if it were proven that Obama had defrauded the country by falsifying his birth records. For many people, FRAUD is a standard mode of operation. You must remember that SO MANY of the legislative bills liberals have managed to get passed and social policies that they have managed to get implemented have involved fraudulent means. The committing of fraud is not an exception among many liberals; it is the rule. Just look at ACORN.

Americans are rightfully concerned about Obama and are seeking ANY legitimate course of action to remove him from office -- NOT because he's a Democrat, NOT because he's black, and NOT because they especially care whether or not he was born in this country. Frankly, as long as his policies were not egregiously hurting the country, the birthers wouldn't even be worried about where he was born. MANY OF THE BIRTHERS VOTED FOR OBAMA. I AM A BIRTHER. I DID NOT VOTE FOR OBAMA, BUT I KNOW OTHER BIRTHERS WHO DID VOTE FOR OBAMA.

Because Obama's policies are so damaging to our country, the birthers are focusing on the "birth certificate" issue because proving that he defrauded the American people regarding his country of origin WOULD BE ONE WAY TO GET HIM OUT OF OFFICE NOW INSTEAD OF TWO YEARS FROM NOW. They want him out of office NOT because he's a Democrat, and NOT because he's black, but because his fiscal policies are bringing our country to its financial knees.

I did not vote for Barack Obama, because I suspected during the election that he would lead us to where we find ourselves today. You should also know that I noticed a tear in my eye upon seeing our first black president inaugurated, even though I vehemently disagreed with his policies. The tear in my eye was a warm, emotional HAPPY one -- not one of sadness or despair. His BLACKNESS did not bother me in the least. It was not a PLUS; it was not a MINUS. It was a moot issue. I would have joyfully voted for a Condoleezza Rice, or an Alan Keyes, or maybe a Colin Powell.

Of course, in the minds of many people, Condoleezza Rice and Alan Keyes do not qualify as being fully "black." I will tell you that these people are every bit as "black" as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or anyone else who some might consider to be "really black." Legitimate, bona fide black people come in a VARIETY of packages, appearances, and characters, as do people of ANY ethnic origin. Each and every person of every color is UNIQUE, and their individuality should be respected. Shame on those of you who try to establish certain criteria that people must meet in order to be considered "truly black" or truly ANYTHING with regard to ethnicity. You are doing so ONLY to further your own narrow, self-serving agendas, political and otherwise. 

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1 comment:

  1. Gary,

    My Answer.

    I use - Chairman Obama - since I know he was not born in Kapi’olani hospital as he claims and the former Hawaii Governor lied saying he was born in Kapi’olani. Interesting to note Author: James Porter refers to Chairman Obama as President Obama four times, Barack Obama twice, Obama twice and Mr. Obama eight times. Seems he may have some doubt.

    I believe there is no issue that Barack Obama is an American citizen! Arnold Schwarzenegger's is an American citizen. But they are not natural born.

    He refers to “..the kooky Birthers and their insane charges..” He fails to show the other side his side the Stupid Marks. For you west coasters a mark is a Bernie Madoff client, someone that believed Bill when he lied that he did not have … until they found the stained dress and John “That’s not my baby” Edwards before he was exposed as a liar.

    His suggestion of a video comment “.. showing Obama as he came out of the womb with the placenta attached and Don Ho in the background playing Hawaiian music on his ukulele.” The certifying physician that delivered the Chairman would be a better choice.

    “… Come on people, we have much bigger fish to fry…” there is no bigger fish than this. Chairman Obama was NOT thoroughly vetted; he has NOT shown his birth certificate. The Birthers will wear down the insane Marks.

    Mr. Porter is a racist and a sexist due to the fact he believes Chairman Obama is Black. The Hawaii COLB lists Chairman Obama’s mother’s RACE as CAUSIAN. I’m sure all Marks understand that the mother was WHITE. The father’s race was not identified.

    “They will play on white Americas fears of a Negro/Latino nation ..” Birthers know Latino’s are of the WHITE race.

    There are many questions, where is the long form birth certificate. Who was Chairman Obama’s illegal drug dealer what’s with the SS #? I agree America should wake up before it’s too late!
